Identifiers in C Language

Identifiers in C Language

The names given to the data (either variable or constant) are known as identifiers.  The following rules must be followed informing identifiers.


1) An identifier may be the combination of a Allah abates, digit and a special character underscore (_).

2) The first character of identifier must be either an alpha bate or an underscore.

3) At most we can have 8 characters in the body of the identifiers.

4) Blank spaces are not allowed on the body of the identifier.

5) An identifier should not be the reserved word or keyword.


Declaration: = Prior/Before to the reference of the data within the program the must be associated with a name and a data type. Once the data declared the required memory is reserved to other the value of data.


data type identifier;


int a;

int a,b;

float a;

char a;

